At-Home Learning: Information for Families

Livingstone Range School Division is committed to providing high-quality instruction to all students, regardless of their choice to return to class or to learn from home. At-home learning is designed as a temporary arrangement to help our students continue their education at home via a digital format, supported by a Livingstone Range School Division teacher. Families opting for at-home learning will have the ability to return to in-school instruction as they feel comfortable to make that transition. The process of transitioning back to an in-person class will require advance notice to the Principal, to ensure a smooth changeover.
Learning from home in 2020-2021 will be different than what students previously experienced. Students will be expected to learn all of their grade-level curriculum. A typical school day for children in the at-home learning environment will be similar to the length of an instructional school day, in class. The other primary difference will be an established expectation about direct instruction from a teacher, with the exception of a few high school courses. The teacher may schedule live learning opportunities in an online environment as well as prepare materials to be completed at home, under the supervision of a parent. The teacher is responsible for the instruction and assessment of students. Learning from home relies on parents to encourage and supervise the day-to-day engagement of learning and completion of assignments. Students will require access to the internet and a digital device; please contact your school if you need assistance with technology. Paper packages may need to be supplied to individuals without internet access.
Students in Kindergarten to Grade 9
Students will be enrolled in a learning-from-home teacher’s class and attendance will be recorded. Classes may be multi-graded, and the teacher assigned will be instructing at-home learners. This teacher will be considered a team member of your regular school. Also as a family, you are still a part of your regular school’s community and will be communicating absences etc. with that school’s administration team. The core subject areas are Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. Health, Wellness, and the Arts will be integrated within the regular programming.
Students in Grades 10-12
Students will be connected to an LRSD teacher through teacher-led video conferences or asynchronous virtual learning. Students will be expected to attend learning sessions as set by the lead teacher, via video conferencing, Google classroom and Hapara, and attendance will be taken. As a family, you are still a part of your regular school’s community and will be communicating absences etc. with that school’s administration team. While all core courses are available to students, there are limited elective courses available through at-home learning. Grade 10, 11, 12 students and parents are encouraged to sign up for Alberta Education’s MyPass website. MyPass will provide you with your child’s graduation progress, a list of credits earned, diploma exam information, and the credentials still needed to graduate. Monitoring this website and working with your local school admin team will help ensure graduation success. High School students wishing to transition back to their local boundary school may do so by communicating with the Principal. Students wishing to return to in-class programming should be prepared to join a class in progress or they may experience interruption in programming due to course availability/scheduling.
Services from Outside the Classroom
Regardless of the option chosen by parents (in-school or at-home learning), accommodations and adaptations for students with diverse learning needs will continue to be addressed in keeping with each student’s Instructional Support Plan (ISP). Please note that the Division must ensure that government guidelines are being followed to mitigate risks to both staff and students, so all face-to-face programming will only take place in the school setting.
For more information or to discuss your particular circumstance, speak with your school Principal.